I first learned about K-Pop when I saw the music video for “Gangnam Style.” While it really isn’t my favorite type of music, I have to say that it is a rather fun beat and the singer, Psy, is really quite stylish. That got me looking into what else they had going on in South Korea and I found myself engrossed in the world of K-Pop and all the madness and fun it had to offer.

K-Pop Style Tips

Before anything else, I must say that I will never actually dress in a totally K-Pop fashion but I would borrow some aspects of it every now and then, most especially the lovely doll-like makeup the ladies have on and the funky accessories they like to wear.

If you like how K-Pop stars look and you want to look like them or at least borrow some aspects of their style, you may want to look at some tips I have come up with below!

K-Pop Style 101

K-Pop Style 101

  • Clear, glowing skin – If you look at Korean pop stars and actors, the first thing you will notice is their skin. They have perfect skin and if you want the same look, you should try applying some BB cream. Not only will it make your skin look good but it will also help clear up imperfections.
  • Hair – K-Pop stars are not shy about making their hairstyles every color of the rainbow. If you want to give off a K-pop vibe without going too drastic, you could use temporary pink or blue coloring on your hair or at least some hair chalk that will wash right off.
  • Bold eyes – If you look at the ladies of K-Pop, you will notice they have gorgeous eyes and that is all because of doll-eye contacts and lots of eye makeup. Try to put on lots of mascara and false lashes to channel your inner K-Pop goddess.
  • The clothes – When it comes to outfits, the sky is the limit for these girls. Do not be afraid to mix preppy with edge and funky. Also, do not be shy about layering and adding pops of color to your outfits for the best results.